What kind of clown are you?
This quiz was made by Clownfred! I definitely recommend checking out his site. There are many fun things to do and see like this clown quiz.
This quiz was made by Clownfred! I definitely recommend checking out his site. There are many fun things to do and see like this clown quiz.
If you like frogs then this website is for you! FROGLAND has many things to see and do. There's the frog gallery and frog games. It even has a frog joke of the day. This fun quiz is another of the many things this wonderful site contains so definitely check it our!
springhole.net is a website that contains lots of useful information for people looking to get into writing, worldbuilding, and roleplaying. It also contains many fun quizzes, like a LOT of quizzes. This one so far has been my favorite but all of them have cute art for the results.