~About me~
Thank you for checking out my little corner of the interweb!
I'm a 19 year old college student who just recently got back into html coding. My pronouns are she/her but feel free to use whatever pronouns you want.
This page contains things I'm passionate about and fun internet stuff I feel like sharing. Check out the Info-Dumps page for more personal info. Enjoy!!!.
Fun Facts and the Future
I plan to work on this site for a while. Expect more soon!
My friend didelphidae introduced me to neocites so you can thank him for this webpage. (Also check his page out while you're still here) I'll probably treat this page like a blog or art project so tune in for more in the future. Soon I'm going to become a DJ for my UNI's radio station. Currently I'm studying Human Biology. I'm a little embarrassed to admitted that the movie Re-Animator HEAVILY influenced that decsion.